This Parent/Caregiver session focuses on all things digital. Your child in Middle/High School has now entered the peak of their digital media lives where cell phone ownership doubles, video game use explodes, and social media use becomes problematic. This session will cover recommendations for family rules, parental controls, family tech plans, as well as suggestions for monitoring your tween/teen’s digital life.

At this age, children encounter situations that will challenge their independence. Parents/Caregivers have an important role to play in providing support and guidance during critical periods. A snapshot of current trends and concerning apps and platforms will be provided to equip you in your digital parenting strategy.


Amazing! Thanks for taking your time to go through this. Appreciate the value of this content. I learned ALOT and will share the links on my social media. Very well done.

Ivy Ramalho, Parent

Ivy Ramalho, Parent Confederation Park Elementary School

An informative parent session to pair with the student presentation in order to open discussion up between parents and their children. It takes a village!

Cori Kusel, Middle School Principal

Cori Kusel, Middle School Principal Southpointe Academy

Steven gave a dynamic presentation that the kids and adults paid rapt attention to. I learned so much about the intricacies of social media platform but also broad rules to follow on social media.

Jen Henrichsen, Assistant Head and Teacher

Jen Henrichsen, Assistant Head and Teacher Island Pacific School

I learned so much that will help me as a teacher to understand my students better!

Pam Matthews, Teacher

Pam Matthews, Teacher Island Pacific School

This training was awesome! I learned quite a few things about the online world that I didn’t know before. The trainer did a great job of keeping me engaged and interested for the entire session. I value the insight and information that was shared.

Nikki Mulder, Parent

Nikki Mulder, Parent SD22 Vernon

A great informational presentation that should be made available to all parents annually. As platforms, trends & support info changes so should our awareness of the benefits and risks associated with social media & digital use.

Renee Nelson, Parent

Renee Nelson, Parent SD22 Vernon

This is an invaluable education session for parents and caregivers. It served as a reminder for some things I already had an awareness of but also opened my eyes to much more. I left the session feeling empowered. I highly recommend taking part in this!

Risa, Parent

Risa, Parent SD22 Vernon

I feel that all parents should be required to do one of these sessions before allowing their child to use social media. Thank you for helping us stay informed and invested in our children’s well-being, mental health and education.

Colleen Waldegger, Parent

Colleen Waldegger, Parent SD22 Vernon

The presenter was very knowledgeable. I appreciated all of the tips and advice regarding social media and ways to check devices for safety and security.

Caroline Durham, Parent

Caroline Durham, Parent Midlothian SD

The host did a great job explaining things thoroughly for people that may not have had any experience with apps/online tools. He didn’t come across as condescending and was upbeat and thorough. His communication was excellent!

Anonymous, Parent

Anonymous, Parent Midlothian SD

I would recommend these trainings to any parent. It’s wonderful to receive current information in a supportive environment. So many parents struggle with similar issues and it’s very affirming to connect and to support one another. Community and connection are vital, especially during these difficult times in our world. This is time very well spent.

Jen Verscheure, SD62 – Sooke

Jen Verscheure, SD62 – Sooke

Very informative and packed full of knowledge to keep our children safe. Worth the watch!

Amber Dawn, WRSD

Amber Dawn, WRSD

The Safer Schools Together Parent Session was very informative and insightful. It highlights the realities of today’s digital world and offers ways for parents to protect and support their children. Every school community should arrange to have SST speak to their students and parents.

Parent, Victoria, BC

Parent, Victoria, BC

I learned a lot from the session! Being a parent, we feel that we know everything and can control the things that our children do. But this session has given me a lot of new information and “tips” on how to keep our children safe “out there”!

Margaret Robles, St. Patrick’s Elementary School

Margaret Robles, St. Patrick’s Elementary School

I loved this training session! It didn’t have the usual “keep your kids offline” rhetoric, but rather helped with tools to keep them safe while using it!

Chantal Gwin, Wild Rose School Division

Chantal Gwin, Wild Rose School Division

A very informative and well laid out parent session. It covered many subjects without being overwhelming, gave advice, and provided helpful tips.
I would and will attend again, because it is almost impossible for a parent to know everything in this fast-paced world of social media, etc.

Sandy Morris, Kootenay-Columbia School District #20

Sandy Morris, Kootenay-Columbia School District #20

Safer Schools Together has always delivered high-quality, up-to-date, and relevant information about all things digital that hooks all participants right from the get-go! They recognize that Digital Citizenship Education is a community effort and that the impact is more powerful when students have multiple trusted adults they can discuss issues with, and when they’re hearing the same message reinforced both at home and in school. We are very impressed with both delivery and content and we look forward to having them back in the future.

Patricia Reyes, IT Integration Teacher

Patricia Reyes, IT Integration Teacher Crofton House

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