Chin Rodger

‘The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement’ and ‘Mom I See War’ Foundation

About Chin Rodger

Chin has collaborated with and supported individuals and organizations working on threat assessment, prevention, and management. She is continuing to focus her efforts on early identification of individuals on the pathway to targeted violence and a path forward for successful prevention. Since her first presentation at ATAP in Anaheim August 2022, Chin has travelled the country – contributing a small part working alongside FBI BAU threat assessment professionals, targeted violence prevention and school safety professionals in the training seminars and conferences in Ohio, Idaho, Florida, California, Washington, Connecticut, Virginia and Utah. Chin is a board member of “The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement” having connected with Scarlett Lewis after both experienced the most profound loss from opposite ends of their tragedies—working to bring character and social-emotional development to children, and adults in schools, workplaces and communities—to choose love, hope, and kindness over fear, anger, and hate. Chin continues to be active in humanitarian efforts including trips to Poland on the Ukraine border in 2022 with World Central Kitchen. She is also a board member of the newly formed “Mom I See War” Foundation—founder, Juliette Marquiz, a Ukrainian film producer living in Los Angeles—which is a collection of artworks of Ukrainian children originally initiated by First Lady Olena Zelensky from Chin’s Talk details from a recent ATAP Conference: A Mother’s Journey to Understand the Tragedy and Future Preventions.

Presentation | A Mother’s Journey to Understand Tragedy and Prevention

In this session, Chin Rodger, Mother of Elliot Rodger will share about the myriad elements of behavior and circumstances that culminated in the horrific tragedy. Chin will further share about the painful process of discovering and exploring in depth the emerging preventive method of threat assessment/management as well as why she believes early identification and intervention would have prevented her son’s tragedy and the many that followed since. She continues to remain focused on supporting professional agencies to prevent future tragedies.