Jed Roffers

Safer Schools Together

About Jed Roffers

Jed Roffers is a 15-year law enforcement professional and Trainer with Safer Schools Together. Jed was born and raised in Northeast Wisconsin. After graduating in 2008 with a BS in Criminal Justice from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Jed began his career in law enforcement as a State Trooper. In 2013 he transitioned his career into the field of criminal investigations, where he was a member of the Wisconsin Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Taskforce for 9 years. Jed is currently assigned to investigate various Cyber Crimes; he also serves as a Federal Task Force Officer.

Presentation | The Cyber Criminal – Tactics, Techniques, and Trends

The current Cyber threat landscape is vast, complex, and extremely opportunistic for malicious actors. Whether the target is a private business, a government entity, or an individual, criminals are becoming more efficient and effective in achieving their goals. This session will explore specific methods used to facilitate various types of cybercrimes, and the real-life impacts these events leave on victims and communities; several recent case examples will be provided and examined. Attendees will gain a better understanding of what these Cyber threats are, how to identify them, the methodology behind the attack(s), and best practices for future prevention.