Det. Peglar Artinian

Toronto Police Service

About Peglar Artinian

Det. Peglar Artinian is a seasoned professional with an impressive 24-year background in law enforcement. He is a court certified gang expert, who bring extensive knowledge in coded language and gang indicia. Det. Artinian has spent the last ten years in gang investigations while providing training to numerous law enforcement agencies throughout the country.

Det. Artinian also currently sits on the Board of Directors for ONGIA (Ontario Gang Investigators Association).

Presentation | Influence of Toronto Street Gangs: A National and Cross Border Perspective

This session discusses the dynamics of gang recruitment and evolving trends in Toronto, with a focus on their influence on youth gangs across the nation. The session aims to equip attendees with the knowledge and tools to effectively identify youth on the pathway to gang involvement. As Toronto holds a central position within the region, it often serves as a nexus for youth gang activity. This is primarily due to the presence of traditional risk factors, such as low socio-economic status. It is essential to recognize that these influences extend far beyond Toronto, affecting youth across Canada.