Theresa Campbell presents before 4000 delegates

Theresa Campbell presents before 4000 delegates at the 15th Annual Privacy & Security Conference in Victoria BC – Feb 5-7, 2014.

Harnessing the Power of the Digital Storm: Can We Have it All?

Theresa Campbell, President, Safer Schools Together Ltd.  participated in the panel on Social Media, Online Reputation, Harassment and Bullying at the 15th Annual Privacy and Security Conference in Victoria, BC in February 2014 attended by 4000 delegates.

Social Media Online Reputation-Harassment and Bullying

Just because social media allows us to observe and comment on everyone we see, should we? How can we adopt to social conventions of face-to-face communications to this brave new world of digital relationships? If we choose to tease or joke about another person online, does everyone realize our comments are in jest? Do we believe that the anonymity of hurtful and mean-spirited comments posted online relieve us of our responsibility to our friends and communities? Join us in a conversation about how social and digital media has affected the way we see ourselves and others – and can cause real harms when we ignore the conventions of a civilized society.

Panel Moderator: Richard Purcell, Chief Executive Officer, Corporate Privacy Group


  • Theresa Campbell, President, Safer Schools Together
  • Darren Laur, Staff Sergeant, Victoria Police Department
  • Murray Rankin, MP, Member of Parliament for Victoria
  • Erinne Paisley, Student, Reynolds Secondary School
  • Gillian Kular, Acting Intake Manager, PIPEDA Investigations Branch, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
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