Tips with the Analysts: Antonio

Get to know Antonio Ysasi, a Senior Threat Analyst at Safer Schools Together for the past 3 years. Antonio has had an interest in computing, internet culture, building computers, and learning about new technologies since he was a child. Hear from Anthony on his tips for parents and students, as well as trends he anticipates being popular in 2024.

About Antonio Ysasi

Antonio Ysasi is currently a Senior Threat Analyst at Safer Schools Together and has been with us for 3 years. Antonio has had an interest in computing, internet culture, building computers, and learning about new technologies since he was a child. He has created a Digital Marketing business and several successful E-Commerce websites for his clients with his childhood best friends during his spare time. 

What has impacted you the most from being a Threat Analyst at Safer Schools Together? 

The most impactful thing for me has been learning about online echo chambers/chat rooms, and how various hate groups utilize them. Most of us are aware of something called “The Algorithm”, Sub-Reddits, Discord Servers, 4Chan, etc. Essentially, it is social media content that is catered for you based off your interests, watch time, interaction rates, and much more. Its design is to capture and retain your attention, evoke emotion, and most importantly, connect you with various like-minded individuals. However, what happens to individuals who believe in ideals such as racism, prejudice, or other extremist beliefs?

Modern-day social media has allowed various hate groups to use social media platforms to spread their ideals, recruit, and in some cases, plan mass casualty events. Locating these platforms, learning decoded messages, and preventing possible tragedies is a never-ending game of cat and mouse.

What is one tip or piece of advice you would give to parents after working as a threat analyst?  

Ask questions and do your research.

Inquiring about the content your child enjoys or participates in can help you understand what type of content may leave an everlasting impression on them. There is a community for almost everything you can think of – you just have to look for it. Typically, these communities have unique inside jokes, humor, and even beliefs. Learning about how these micro-communities engage with each other could alter your child’s very own ideals and viewpoints.

What is one tip or piece of advice you would give to students after working as a threat analyst?

The majority of what you see online isn’t ‘real’.

An image can capture a single moment, and people go to insane lengths to ensure that it looks the prettiest, or the happiest version of that moment as possible. Everyone is human, no one is perfect. Do not fall into the pressure to live up to these unrealistic standards that people want you to think are reality.

What trends do you anticipate being popular in 2024? 

Trends are truly an unpredictable thing, it feels like a living organism that is constantly evolving based on pop culture, global news, or media. That said, I think younger generations have some of the most exposure to technology at a young age in human history. I would not be surprised to see the use of custom/personal Discord servers, alternative social media outlets such as personal websites/blogs, or even AI (Artificial Intelligence) being used more frequently.

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