Keynote Speakers

Kelly Tallon Franklin

‘Human Trafficking: Insights from Lived Experience and Ethical-Based Practice’
Courage for Freedom, Founder/Chief Executive Director
IFBPW – UN SC Human Rights
Session Overview, Interview

Carly Posey

‘Anticipating the Unthinkable’
The “I Love You Guys” Foundation
and Parent from Sandy Hook
Session Overview

Breakout Speakers

Asst. Chief Rudy Perez

‘Early Prevention and Intervention in the Education Ecosystem’
Golden Valley Police Department
Assistant Chief of Police
Session Overview

Sgt. Chuck Fortier and Sgt. Derek Gilmore

‘Firearm Trends in B.C.’
Royal Mounted Canadian Police
Sergeants – NWEST E Division
Session Overview

Jeff Winkler

‘Multi-Location, Tactical Operation Preparation’
Sifu Safety and Security
Session Overview

Frank Grosspietsch

Firearms Consultant
Session Overview, Interview

Jed Roffers

‘The Cyber Criminal – Tactics, Techniques, and Trends’
Safer Schools Together
Session Overview, Interview

Jonny Coughlin

‘Community Safety Partnerships: Strength in Unity, Law Enforcement’s Collaborative Efforts Leading to Academic and Athletic Excellence’
Los Angeles Police Department
Police Officer III (Senior Lead Officer)
Session Overview

Jill Paterson

‘B.C. Gang Landscape’
Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit BC (CFSEU-BC)
Senior Strategic Analyst
Session Overview

Det. Peglar Artinian

‘Influence of Toronto Street Gangs: A National and Cross Border Perspective’
Toronto Police Service
Session Overview

Cpl. Tyler Zrymiak

‘Saskatchewan Street Gang Landscape’
RCMP – Saskatchewan Trafficking Response Team
Session Overview

Sgt. Ryan Ferry

‘Emerging Trends in the Edmonton Gang Landscape’
Edmonton Police Service Gang Suppression Team
Session Overview, More of Ryan’s Work

Norm Miller

‘Gangs, Drill Rap, Social Media and Their Relationship’
Florida Gang Investigators Association
Session Overview

Jessy Johal

‘Gang Behavioural Analysis through a Digital Lens’
Safer Schools Together
Gang Reduction Lead/GRIP Trainer
Session Overview, Interview


Sgt. Raj Jaswal

‘Gang Behavioural Analysis through a Digital Lens’
Safer Schools Together
Gang Reduction Trainer/Consultant
Session Overview, Interview

D/Sgt. Chris Felton

‘Surviving Stress: Strategies for First Responders and Gang Investigators’
City of Fort Wayne Police Department
Gang and Violent Crimes Unit
Session Overview

Jonathan Mubanda

‘Connectedness and Support’
Surrey School District
Safe School Liaison
Session Overview, Jonathan’s Story

Sgt. Justin Parry

‘The Evolution of a Youth Street Gang that became an Inter-Provincial Criminal Organization’

Winnipeg Police Service
Gang Expert Program Manager
Session Overview

Chin Rodger

‘A Mother’s Journey to Understand Tragedy and Prevention’
‘The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement’ and ‘Mom I See War’ Foundation
Session Overview

Tami Ketcham

‘Homeland Security Investigations: Approach to Human Trafficking Investigations’
Homeland Security Investigations (HSI)
HSI Representative/Special Agent
Session Overview